El Matador Jaime Bravo
JULY 1968
2,500 PESOS
by Unknown
July 1968, No. 4

Tijuana, July 7. A new matador de toros has received the alternativa in this border city. Following the usual ritual Fabian Ruiz today became a full matador. The honors were bestowed on the young torero from Aguascalientes by the torero from California, Jaime Bravo. The witness to the ceremony was Eloy Cavazos.
Jaime Bravo cut two ears but in the process also was fined 2,500 pesos and escorted to jail after making indecent gestures toward the judge Conrado Noriega. Bravo who felt he deserved a the tail as well, or perhaps the hoof, was what one would day demonstrative with his sign language and the judge, an understanding fellow in this matters took the situation in hand. The torero from California obviously felt that the faena was an extraordinary piece of work when in reality aside from bordering on the suicidal fringes, it was simply a common small town performance.
This of course is not rare for Jaime Bravo. The unfortunate part is that Bravo when he wants to can be as fine as any torero. Sad too is the fact that it has been many years since Bravo took his profession seriously.
Fabian Ruiz had a more or less fortunate debut as a matador. He received an ear for his performance with the 6th bull but this was due more in part to his bravery.

Eloy Cavazos had to cope with two weak mansos that in no moment allowed the torero from Monterrey to show what he is capable of doing in a bullring. In spite of this the young boy gave his two bulls the lidia or work that was required. No too many fans realized the merit, but then there are not too many aficionados in the tendidos.
The toros from Zotoluca all seemed to have been cast from the same mold. They were manso and for the most part avoided the fight.
Jaime Bravo was his usual self. The veteran came for the triumph in spite of the costs, and found himself at the mercy of the bulls. It was a case of do, or die, and at times it appeared as if the latter could very well take place.
Bravo fought “Tortolo”, & “Carrion”, two bulls with identical characteristics and faults. Both were mansos and dangerous, but Bravo, true to his last name, performed in a brave, and many times foolish manner. Some of the things he did on foot or on his knees were hard to believe. There were many good things but as usual his faenas had little thought and much less unity. So close did the torero perform that his suit was a massive smear of blood after the corrida. If Jaime did not receive a goring it was only because it was he who probably scared the bulls rather than the other way around.
The performance with the bull “Carrion” was not a performance that could in any way be classified as art. It was a Roman Circus and a battle of man and beast. It was after the kill that Jaime feeling he deserved much more than the generous two ears he received also gestured toward the judge. The torero left the arena on the shoulders of the police which was not exactly what he had in mind.
Fabian Ruiz the new matador appears to be the classical type but on this occasion the aficionados were unable to judge. The two bulls he drew were not deserving of much more than the torero was able to give and the judgment in all fairness will have to wait.
Ruiz fought the first and 6th bulls of the afternoon and probably his best moments came with the latter. He was given an undeserved ear, but perhaps it will serve as a foundation for later faenas which the young torero demonstrated he is capable of doing.
The torero from Monterrey, Eloy Cavazos, gave each of his bulls as mentioned in the beginning the faenas they deserved, but Eloy unlike Fabian does not have to prove himself. Local aficionados are already aware of what this torero can do. It will have to wait though, because the toros from Zotoluca were not animals to do it with.